HTB — Infiltration

1 min readNov 26, 2020


Hey guyzz !! Hope all you are fine .

Now , we are going to see about another interesting OSINT challenge in the HACK THE BOX called Infiltration.

Can you find something to help you break into the company ‘Evil Corp LLC’. Recon social media sites to see if you can find any useful information.

It looks like quite simple !.First we have to search any social media accounts associated with ‘Evil Corp LLC’.

By searching,We found two social media accounts

In LinkedIn account we found something like HTB{WW91IGNhbiBkbyB0aGlzLCBrZWVwIGdvaW5nISEh} but unfortunately it was not the actual flag.

Now we have to check for instagram account.By going through that account we know that this user is one of the staff in Evil Corp LLC.

Inspecting Posts..

She posted 10 posts.Now we have to go through the posts one by one.By checking through the posts we have found the flag!!

Yeah !! we found the flag….

Thank You….Happy CTF




Written by Ramalingasamy

Security Engineer | CTF Player at TamilCTF

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